

Blog posts : "General"

blog post

Over 300 Cisco products are affected by a zero-day vulnerability Cisco discovered last week, and for which no patch is available at the time of writing.

Cisco engineers discovered the zero-day following a company-wide effort to investigate how the recently disclosed WikiLeaks "Vault 7" leak …

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Android Ransomware Infects LG Smart TV

December 28th 2016

Android Ransomware Infects LG Smart TV

Security firms have been warning us for more than a year about the possibility of Android malware jumping from phones and tablets to other Android-powered devices, such smart TVs. The latest incident involving ransomware on a smart TV invol…

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blog post

The Proteus Malware current version number is 2.0.0. and it can perform the following actions:

  • Creates a socket and set up port forwarding in order to relay malicious traffic through the infected machine, which now acts like a SOCKS proxy.
  • Deploy the following crypto-currency miners: SHA256 m…

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3 blog posts